Meet Emily
Master's-Level Trained Psychotherapist
For the last 10 years, Emily has been helping guide clients back to their intuition.
In 2015, Emily could tell something was wrong. She was the Queen of Self-Care yet here she was again in a flare-up of her auto-immune syndrome. In bed, with flu-like symptoms, and in great physical pain she thought, ‘I can’t live like this anymore.’ Then immediately another thought, ‘But what the hell am I gonna’ do?’ Thus began the next phase in Emily’s unconventional life. For a decade, Emily had been optimizing her life in a way that would support her mind, body, and spirit. She’d worked from a home office and limited her hours to sustain a comfortable lifestyle. As a matter of necessity, Emily was uncompromising in this commitment to herself; yet it still felt it was not enough.
In the following months of Emily’s flare up, she began to receive guidance from her intuition, and she listened. Through many terrifying and exhilarating conversations with her husband and partner, Jeff, they decided to ditch the typical life in search of living an extraordinary one.
In 2017, Emily and her husband had sold all of their belongings, bought and outfitted a travel trailer, rented out their house, and hit the road for an adventure. Emily had a theory to test: can I lead a completely uncompromised life? Can I trust my intuition more than I can trust my fear? The answer, it turns out, was yes! By 2018, Emily and her husband had taken their adventures internationally traveling to New Zealand, then Thailand, Nepal, Germany, Italy, and Croatia—all guided by her intuition.
In 2019, Emily has settled outside of Nevada City in Northern California. Now Emily is back in Denver, CO.
What makes Emily so magnetic and so real is that she is out there living her life; practicing everything she teaches to her clients. She is living the life she deserves and hopes you will too.