
Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy
Support with Preparation, Journey, & Integration
​What It Is
Psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT) is a new-old, ceremonial treatment for an array of mental health issues as well as a way to just more fully explore yourself and the world. PAT utilizes psychedelic medicines such as MDMA, psilocybin, and ketamine to create an altered state of consciousness that then gives us access to a deep level of healing.
PAT is typically a series of sessions: preparation, medicine session, and integration. Typically, 1-3 preparation sessions (60-90 mins each). Followed by a medicine session (anywhere from 2.5-10hrs each). Which is then followed by 1-3 integration sessions (60-90 mins each).
PAT is an intense, transformational, ceremonial process. It is a part of many indigenous cultures' way of life and healing. It is bursting into the the scene of Western medicine because of the phenomenal outcomes in the scientific research. Of most interest to Emily is the outcomes for PTSD. Interested in learning more? See links below.
How It Works
In basic terms, PAT can help us reset our brain, body, and spirit. It resets our brain by creating neuroplasticity, making our brain particularly malleable. This is through the chemistry of the medicines and through the ceremony and sacred connection with the people supporting us. Psychedelics also alter our consciousness putting us in a different state of mind while under their influence. This gives us a chance to have a break from our default mode of thinking and feeling. For many of us trapped in PTSD, it gives us a rare experience of safety in our body. But this is not just a short-lived experience. Outcomes from rigorous scientific research shows long term resolution of PTSD symptoms. Meaning = no more PTSD. No longer meeting criteria for PTSD. This has been very difficult to treat in the traumatized brain because that is the nature of the traumatized brain: to protect itself. It is beyond the ability of many people with PTSD to bring those walls of protection down. Psychedelic medicines assist us in that.
PAT allows us to tap into our own Inner Healing Intelligence. The psychedelic guide is essential in helping to create safety but the real work happens INSIDE OF YOU. You finally get to experience who you are without the burden of PTSD. Which can sadly be mistaken for our personality when it has been with us for long enough.
Most people seem to need a series of medicine sessions and therapy sessions to achieve the desired results. For some, just one medicine session. For more information on the research, see the links below. Or reach out to Emily to begin your healing process.
Emily's Training
Emily has 15 years working as a therapist. 300+ hours post graduate school in trauma therapy training. Emily completed her Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy certificate with Naropa University in December 2023 after an intensive, 8-month long training. This included the MAPS MDMA educational training. As well as training in psilocybin and ketamine. Emily has experience in receiving several different psychedelic medicines for herself, just ask to hear more.
Current Offerings
Emily is only offering services that comply with current laws in Colorado. MDMA is not yet legal and Emily is not participating in any illegal activities. This would include supporting clients in the preparation and integration of their private psychedelic journeys. Emily is also providing Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP), which is fully legal in all states. KAP is a version of psychedelic-assisted therapy. Please click below for more details on KAP.
Chronic Pain

You've tried it all, but the pain remains. I get it.
I work with Chronic Pain in a very specific way. I support clients in using The Mind-Body Approach of The Curable App. The only reason I support this method is because it worked for me when nothing else had. I had learned to manage the symptoms of chronic pain but I was still suffering from chronic pain every day for the last 20 years. 3 weeks using the Curable App program my pain decreased by 70-80% and that has maintained. Interested in learning more? Go to the Chronic Pain page.

$200 per 60 min therapy sessions
​Available for 60 min and 90 min sessions
Sessions conducted remotely on secure Telehealth Platform
For more detail on KAP pricing click here.